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C.KHiD + C.K.H.i.D. =
Cannot Kill How I'm Dreaming

artist(s): C.KHiD    video: Vegas Atlanta Harlem

HOW TO BE A PLAYER: re-inventing the game . how to be a player
A True Player is a great Player. Anything else is just an 'inspired reflection' of the truth. At the stage where competition has began falling off and the gap widens, you will find yourself having to re-invent your game. We'll call this the '3rd Quarter' for future reference as it's a critical point of being 'the Player' of the Year. You will have to re-invent yourself at this point because obviously there's a defender than's giving you everything the others are not.

a True Player Knows How To Re-Invent Himself What does it mean when you have made it to the 3rd Quarter? As previously mentioned, this means this girl you are messing with has some great tactical skill and is working your end of the court hard. Matter of fact, she might even have you working on her end of the court time to time because she's just that good. However, do not sweat! There's still a lot left to this Game! You might have won on the score boards but you still have to prove that you are the better Player in the third quarter. You still want to be the top highlight real in her mind.

In the 3rd Quarter do not slack off. Do not sweat (can't say this enough) but do not slack. You are the Player that's played the game inside and outisde, streets to semi-pro to professional. In other words you've still got Player options but you've refined yourself to figure out what you like and dislike from all the past girls. Now you have got to test this girl beyond the normal limits and do some things that will have you both a little like 'whatttt??."

A Player might ask another Player; Why would you need to go outside your boundaries to impress her now that she's become a stand out? I'm comfortable with her and we've gotten accustomed to how we play one another. If you ask yourself this, it means you're being lazy!

If her game is this tight, please believe she's seen some other Players and you've got to find your Zone. This is the 3rd Quarter where anything can happen and you have got to remain in control of the game, stand out in her mind as the Mr. Brand New, and own the highlights of her life. Make sense? If not, re-read that sentence a few times and let it marinate Player. You are 'the one,' the chosen Player of this Date Game and she has to know this from your dazzling display.

Beyond that, you need make sure this 'defensive' standout is able to change with the times. The worst thing you want to do is get stuck to somebody who does not know how to change. If a Player picks up the new rucker park move, he will realize he has underestimated his own potential, thus wasting offensive energies! Why? Because that move will probably break the defender's ankles if she's not able to adjust, but you've already signed her contract!

Now before you get too crazy with your efforts, do be sure you review her stats against the other Defensive Players. Can you have a great conversation with her? Does she annoy you in a way that most other girls have Not? Does she seem like she's taken herself out any other Date Games to focus on you? Is the limited sex you have, good? How is she on a Date Game? Can she keep up with your lifestyle? Where does she want to live her life? A true Player poses these and other questions to himself for good measure!

Take Her On a Vacation and Have Her Sending Travel Post Cards If she does excell past the competition as you have expected, start pushing your long range out. Penetrating and mid-range jumpers were nice, but start shooting a step or two behind the 3 point line with your game. Take more risk on her in other words. Start moving towards middle court, where you will celebrate the championship at. This means do things you obviously have not done for other girls such as:

— Invest a little money in dates that are more crazy. Sky dive, boat rides, concerts, and flights.

— Put energy and memory into remembering things that make her smile. Have a specific day you set aside each month to write her poetry. Hit her with the bubble bath treatment!

— Start posting pictures of her on your public profiles and maybe a photo of her on the mantle or coffee table.

— Last, take her home to your mom, grandmother, or whatever elder female in your family can analyze her. They will tell you some good pointers usually

— Meet her family and see what she can potentially become and if you like that situation. Keeping in mind this can easily become a flawed rule as many great Players/Defenders overcome the obstacle of an ignorant culturing as a youth

You must continue to do this and more to become the true Player. Real Players are respected when they played in the Date Game and after because smooth originality, never dies. In all reality, most people think Players retire when they hang up the jersey but not really, they just re-invent their interests. Therefore it's important to make sure the Defender you end up trading for is able to roll with the change of times and interests.

-written by C.KHiD

Player Tip 1 — Observe The Subject First
First step of becoming a Player of Women is to observe them. Whenever you see a chick you wish to pursue, be sure you try to read her body language and why she's at where she is. This will raise your execution rate!

Player Tip 2 — First Move
The first move should be confident and striking. The observations you made off your defender should make it easy for you to shoot in with a comment that makes the girl want to think longer than a 'yes or no' answer. A Player needs to make sure his initial step is correct oor he may get injured in the game early.

Player Tip 3 — First Call
Success with the first move means everything else is just 'good follow through.' When should you call her? What should you talk about? What kind of girl have you ran game on? This helps you understand what to do in the first call to assert your position as a top prospect Player.

Player Tip 4 — First Date Game
The first Date Game is as important as the first move almost. This is where a Player comes to workout and intimidate the defender to the point she feels she can only try her best to keep up. Confidently humble, you cannot go to certain places this date and you need to base location of date off what kind of girl you think she is.

Player Tip 5 — Future Phone Dates
The phone Date Game is not hard. If conversing past the first date, that means she has a general interest in you and is comfortable in your presence. You have successfully brought another good Defender into your game season. Follow these do and do not rules to help ensure you retain defenders' interests. Sweating is a no go and learn to listen.

Player Tip 6 — Limited Sex
Limiting sex is one rule that gets obviously missed because most don't recognize what a true Player is. To control the game one can not strictly focus on penetrating the defense every time. A great Player pulls top level talent to their team by proving they are more than a layup or dunk. Do not become a dispensable dick because that means you are just an option and just lost to a greater Player aka 'knocked.'

Player Tip 7 — Re-Inventing Game
It's Important That You Never Become Accustomed to Sitting Still as a Player. Even after you retire and have your Championship in hand, you will still have a competitive edge. That edge will only be satisfied by new interests that you can play with your new teammate. Therefore, you must make sure the Defender is accepting of your changing of patterns and accept them without complaints. Nothing worse than picking up a Player for your team that's always complaining what you do does not include them.

Player Tip 8 — Ending The Game
Ending the Game means a Player has found his Trophy and ready to dish some assists. Ending the Date Game for the Trophy means you should take some proper steps without half-stepping. A Player only progresses to a new Game once he retires his jersey from the court'ship league.

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CKHID — Cannot Kill How I′m Dreaming