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C.KHiD + C.K.H.i.D. =
Cannot Kill How I'm Dreaming

artist(s): C.KHiD    video: Vegas Atlanta Harlem

HOW TO BE A PLAYER: player observation . how to be a player

How to become a player? Everybody wants to be successful when it comes to pulling the objects of their desire. This definitely includes the ever so important dating game that chooses who you will share a lifetime with. Ready to begin from your willingness in reading my How To Be A Player Tips guide, the very beginning step in becoming player is simple; Observation.

When men and women see a person they instantly desire and lust for, they are dumbfounded and just think "oh they look so great, i wish they would come to me" usually. This is definitely a wrong first move for a player in the date game. Men are more likely to miss the step of observation as females usually know how to toss hints and generate attention. For all that aren't thinking tactical, you should reform your approach. You should be focused on the subject's habits, outfit, and finding a vantage entry point.

Also keep in mind, there is no general approach you can make to all people unless you're willing to accept failure in your mission. There's nothing wrong with trying to attract a certain type of person if you know what you want, be clear. If you're just trying to become a player and see how the date game goes, you're looking to execute your desires every time. Therefore you must observe your target and adapt to the situation. Remember......... OBSERVE!

We all hate to place steretypes but realistically they are usually pretty accurate and statistically based. Use your knowledge of females to judge what type of girl your target(s) are. You will never tell her that you are making a judgement of her off top, but realistically, it's just like scouting basketball players. In the Date Game, there's generally little separation of who a person is on the inside, when they look the same on the outside. To me it's just a part of intuition and common sense. This observation and usage of those 6th senses will help an offensive player score an easy point in the date game.

A last note to take, watch the girl's body language. If she sees you and you see her, and the body language just seems negative. You probably won't get far with it. However, if you are really good with the tongue gamee, a Player can still find an angle. Remember, as 50 Cent said, "No doesn't mean no, it just means keep trying."

-written by C.KHiD

Player Tip 1 — Observe The Subject First
First step of becoming a Player of Women is to observe them. Whenever you see a chick you wish to pursue, be sure you try to read her body language and why she's at where she is. This will raise your execution rate!

Player Tip 2 — First Move
The first move should be confident and striking. The observations you made off your defender should make it easy for you to shoot in with a comment that makes the girl want to think longer than a 'yes or no' answer. A Player needs to make sure his initial step is correct oor he may get injured in the game early.

Player Tip 3 — First Call
Success with the first move means everything else is just 'good follow through.' When should you call her? What should you talk about? What kind of girl have you ran game on? This helps you understand what to do in the first call to assert your position as a top prospect Player.

Player Tip 4 — First Date Game
The first Date Game is as important as the first move almost. This is where a Player comes to workout and intimidate the defender to the point she feels she can only try her best to keep up. Confidently humble, you cannot go to certain places this date and you need to base location of date off what kind of girl you think she is.

Player Tip 5 — Future Phone Dates
The phone Date Game is not hard. If conversing past the first date, that means she has a general interest in you and is comfortable in your presence. You have successfully brought another good Defender into your game season. Follow these do and do not rules to help ensure you retain defenders' interests. Sweating is a no go and learn to listen.

Player Tip 6 — Limited Sex
Limiting sex is one rule that gets obviously missed because most don't recognize what a true Player is. To control the game one can not strictly focus on penetrating the defense every time. A great Player pulls top level talent to their team by proving they are more than a layup or dunk. Do not become a dispensable dick because that means you are just an option and just lost to a greater Player aka 'knocked.'

Player Tip 7 — Re-Inventing Game
It's Important That You Never Become Accustomed to Sitting Still as a Player. Even after you retire and have your Championship in hand, you will still have a competitive edge. That edge will only be satisfied by new interests that you can play with your new teammate. Therefore, you must make sure the Defender is accepting of your changing of patterns and accept them without complaints. Nothing worse than picking up a Player for your team that's always complaining what you do does not include them.

Player Tip 8 — Ending The Game
Ending the Game means a Player has found his Trophy and ready to dish some assists. Ending the Date Game for the Trophy means you should take some proper steps without half-stepping. A Player only progresses to a new Game once he retires his jersey from the court'ship league.

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CKHID — Cannot Kill How I′m Dreaming