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Cannot Kill How I'm Dreaming

artist(s): C.KHiD    video: Vegas Atlanta Harlem

HOW TO BE A PLAYER: first move . how to be a player
First Move Player!

Once you know how to make sense of situation it's no longer How to become a Player but instead, you are becoming a player. What's making sense of the situation you might ask? Well what is the girl doing when you see her? Is she in a club dancing? Is she in the streets walking somewhere? Is she in a common place like the supermarket or grocery store doing some day to day chores? Well your job is make an approach that sparks conversation based off what she's doing and come off totally innocent. Eye contact is a must because you have to touch deep inside her and make her feel vulnerable, frozen, and unable to look anywhere but your eyes.

A good example of easy First Move is taking advantage of a girl standing by the bar. When a girl is in close proximity to the bar, she is waiting for a guy to buy her a drink. One of the oldest moves in the game. The problem for guys is, usually Mr Drink Buyer is not getting the girl. As the Notorious BIG said "soon as he buy that wine // I just creep up from behind." You cannot buy a girl's interest, though she might appreciate the extra effort. Point of story is however, buying the drink is not needed! She's at the bar, walk up and say something kinda witty like "So you going to buy me a drink up here instead of waiting for some other guy to buy it?" or don't make a first move but just walk up and compliment her outfit, then walk off. You avoid buying the drink but she's going to think, 'thats different.' Your first stand out move.

Need to know how to become a player in the grocery store? Well this can tend to be tougher. If you can see her cart, look for something in it that you have knowledge of. Girls love to feel needed so you want to initiate conversation by asking her about that 'somewhat oddball' product and of course talk, making eye contact and smiling. If she's giving good feedback, continue with the conversation going a bit deeper into things that might fit her stereotyped lifestyle from what you can see in the cart. Use common sense in what you say however, do not offend. Example, if it looks like she's an organic foods kind of person, say "wow, you eat too healthy. Girl you need some stuff that clogs the arteries." Throw some jokes in this after she might respond. "You know you want some meat girl... don't be afraid of that meat isle. Nothing will bite......anymore (lol)" Remember, if you don't smile, she won't smile. If you don't have eye contact, she wont make eye contact.

If you're at a store a female works at and spending a little money, conversation is always easier because it's her job to speak with you. At that point, all you have to do is get her smiling and dash away with the number as you're committed to fulfilling your day beyond her. She's got a job so obviously she's not looking for a lazy dude.

Just try to find a logical approach to each situation after observation. Use your knowledge of the situation to spark a conversation then make her smile with some jokes that would fit the kind of person she is stereotypically. Being you are making your approach based off judgement, test the waters first before jumping overboard. Don't go for the wildest punch line for the stereotype because she's not that comfortable with you.

a good rule of thumb for me:
If you want to learn how to become a player you must think like this! Realistically, a sophisticated girl wants a witty joke and to hear more than you hitting on her. She's got more going for herself than to need some average Joe. A hood girl has lowered her standards and might go for something more blunt and generally offensive because she's typically going to be more impressed by what you have than what you think or say. If she looks super high class aka bourgeoisie, then she's going to be same as the hood girl, just you will have to spend even more and pretend like she's smart.

Each of these rules comes with exceptions as every rule in life generally.

-written by C.KHiD

Player Tip 1 — Observe The Subject First
First step of becoming a Player of Women is to observe them. Whenever you see a chick you wish to pursue, be sure you try to read her body language and why she's at where she is. This will raise your execution rate!

Player Tip 2 — First Move
The first move should be confident and striking. The observations you made off your defender should make it easy for you to shoot in with a comment that makes the girl want to think longer than a 'yes or no' answer. A Player needs to make sure his initial step is correct oor he may get injured in the game early.

Player Tip 3 — First Call
Success with the first move means everything else is just 'good follow through.' When should you call her? What should you talk about? What kind of girl have you ran game on? This helps you understand what to do in the first call to assert your position as a top prospect Player.

Player Tip 4 — First Date Game
The first Date Game is as important as the first move almost. This is where a Player comes to workout and intimidate the defender to the point she feels she can only try her best to keep up. Confidently humble, you cannot go to certain places this date and you need to base location of date off what kind of girl you think she is.

Player Tip 5 — Future Phone Dates
The phone Date Game is not hard. If conversing past the first date, that means she has a general interest in you and is comfortable in your presence. You have successfully brought another good Defender into your game season. Follow these do and do not rules to help ensure you retain defenders' interests. Sweating is a no go and learn to listen.

Player Tip 6 — Limited Sex
Limiting sex is one rule that gets obviously missed because most don't recognize what a true Player is. To control the game one can not strictly focus on penetrating the defense every time. A great Player pulls top level talent to their team by proving they are more than a layup or dunk. Do not become a dispensable dick because that means you are just an option and just lost to a greater Player aka 'knocked.'

Player Tip 7 — Re-Inventing Game
It's Important That You Never Become Accustomed to Sitting Still as a Player. Even after you retire and have your Championship in hand, you will still have a competitive edge. That edge will only be satisfied by new interests that you can play with your new teammate. Therefore, you must make sure the Defender is accepting of your changing of patterns and accept them without complaints. Nothing worse than picking up a Player for your team that's always complaining what you do does not include them.

Player Tip 8 — Ending The Game
Ending the Game means a Player has found his Trophy and ready to dish some assists. Ending the Date Game for the Trophy means you should take some proper steps without half-stepping. A Player only progresses to a new Game once he retires his jersey from the court'ship league.

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CKHID — Cannot Kill How I′m Dreaming