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Cannot Kill How I'm Dreaming

artist(s): C.KHiD    video: Vegas Atlanta Harlem

Hip Hop Interview With R&B Singer Zewdy (pg4)
05 / 27 / 2010       writer: D'Shannon Brown

Hip Hop Interview With R&B Singer Zewdy
R&B singer Zewdy" during a Youtube video session

Hip Hop Interview Question:
13. Do you have a plethora of friends or do you keep your circle tight?

Zewdy Interview Question:
13. I have a lot of people I consider my friends or homies, but I do have a select few that I tend to cling to, including my sister Zebeeb <3

Hip Hop Interview Question:
14. If you could give some advice to other upcoming artist what would it be?

Zewdy Interview Question:
14. Before anything, I would tell them to get honest opinions on your voice/music from your family & close friends. My advice to other upcoming artists is YOUTUBE! Collaborate with local artist, enter talent shows & competitions. One of the most important things that they should know is that you CAN'T do it alone. I did a lot of self promoting online & whatnot, but I had my family & friends supporting me, coming to shows, forwarding links, coming to A.I. auditions with me, etc.

Zewdy Interview Question:

Hip Hop Interview with Zewdy [continue reading] — 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Zewdy relaxing in the water on a short vacation from music

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