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C.KHiD + C.K.H.i.D. =
Cannot Kill How I'm Dreaming

artist(s): C.KHiD    video: Vegas Atlanta Harlem

Artful Dodger Clothing

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Artful Dodger Clothing Artful Dodger clothing was created by Scott Langton in 2005 and was first considered to be a contemporary European clothing line. Artful Dodger clothing was originally sold in specialty stores and boutiques throughout the United Kingdom and in the United States. Jay-Z later bought Artful Dodger clothing for $15 million in 2007 with Scion LLC. Scott Langton however is still Creative Director and head designer of Artful Dodger clothing. It is said that the name of Artful Dodger clothes brand derived from the very well known Charles Dickens novel entitled Oliver Twist. The main character in Oliver Twist is a child protégé who is considered an “Artful Dodger” who manages to avoid the consequences of his actions and eventually becomes a criminal mastermind. Artful Dodger clothing strives to capture this attitude when worn. Another theory for the derivation of the name “Artful Dodger” is that it was named after an “Artful Dodger” who led a group of young men in creating mischief across the United Kingdom during the 19th century. Whichever the origin, Artful Dodger brand truly encompasses a mischievous nature.

Artful Dodger clothing features premium hoodies and denim that create the urban streetwear and skateboard fashion that was created by music artists such as Lupe Fiasco and Pharrell Williams. When Jay-Z purchased Artful Dodger clothes, it became one of the most popular hip hop clothing lines in the world. With the purchase of Artful Dodger fashion brand planned to expand the line into more stores and to more countries. Artful Dodger clothing has one purpose which is about causing mischief and having fun. Each article of Artful Dodger street wear is carefully designed to achieve individual satisfaction and of course to facilitate a little trouble-making. Artful Dodger clothing does not include basic pieces but every piece of clothing is detailed and full of complex designs. Careful embroidery also makes Artful Dodger unique. Most of all Artful Dodger clothes line embraces the pranksters, jokers, and trouble-makers with style.

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CKHID — Cannot Kill How I′m Dreaming